
With BBVA Investment banking
"Diversifying international reserves: a case for going LatAm" presented at the NALM Conference for Central Banks and sovereign investors, Singapore, 2013

"Asset allocation choices in Latin America" presented at the BBVA Conference for Central Banks and Sovereign Wealth Funds. Madrid, 2013

With the IMF
Central Bank of Seychelles: Capacity building in Monetary  Operations, Banking Supervision, Foreign Exchange Operations & Markets, and Other Topics (with Philip Bartholomew , mission Chief, MCM) and Bryn Vollan and Walter H. Faulk). April 2011

Rwanda: furthering foreign exchange market development (with David Mitchem). June 2010

Foreign exchange reserve diversification policy at the Central Bank of Bolivia Technical Cooperation Report. La Paz, Bolivia. March 2010 (with Yinqiu Lu (Mission Chief) and Han Van der Hoorn)

Supporting foreign exchange operations in the transition to a floating rate regime. Technical Cooperation Report. Victoria, Seychelles October-November, 2008 Building at the Central Bank of Seychelles: Foreign Exchange Markets, Banking Supervision, and Other Topics. (With Philip Bartholomew (Mission Chief, MCM) and Walter H. Faulk). Technical Assistance Report, Dec 2007

Strengthening central bank reserves management at the Banco de Cabo Verde Technical Cooperation Report. Praia, Cape Verde, June 2007

Strengthening central bank operations at the Central Bank of the Solomon Islands Technical Cooperation Report (with John Dalton and Leo Querel). Honiara, Solomon Islands, Oct. 2006

Capacity building for Foreign Exchange Reserves Management of Banco de Cabo Verde. Technical Assistance Report, June, 2006

Developing a Foreign Reserve Management Department at the Reserve Bank of Sierra Leone. Technical Assistance Report, Feb. - Dec. 2006

Developing a Foreign Reserve Management Department at the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu: management and investment policy issues. Technical Assistance Reports, Aug. and Dec., 2005

Bank Organization and Foreign Exchange Operations Components. International Monetary Fund, Technical Assistance Report, May 2005 (with Philip Bartholomew, Bekele Tamirat and Bertil Persson)

Risk identification for effective internal audit and control at the Bank of Guyana. International Monetary Fund, Technical Assistance Report, Jan 2004

Cambodia: Banking Sector and Accounting Issues and Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves. International Monetary Fund, MFD Technical Assistance Mission Report. Aug. 2003 (with Edward Frydl and Eddie Herron)

Claves para la administración del riesgo en el Banco Central de la República Dominicana: Recomendaciones en el marco de la nueva Ley Monetaria y Financiera. Informe de misión FMI de asistencia técnica. Enero 2003

On pension systems
El desempeño ajustado por riesgo de los multifondos de pensiones en Chile (con A. Chaparro) Documento de trabajo 252. Junio 2010. UAH

Inversión en Portafolios Internacionales desde Chile. Centro de Estudios Públicos Santiago de Chile, July 1996

Recommendations for Argentina’s Pension System Reform. Inter American Development Bank (Eciel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1987)

Modelo de simulación de estados financieros: Una aplicación a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones. Universidad de Chile, 1984.

On  financial markets and other
Codelco: incentivos inapropiados. Revista de Estudios Parlamentarios. Cámara de Diputados de Chile. Primer semestre 2010

¿Para qué sirven los intermediarios de valores? Revista Trend Management. Mayo 2009

Intermediación financiera por entidades de desarrollo en América Latina: los casos de NAFIN, CORFO y BNDES. Documento de trabajo BID Washington D.C., 2001

Reformas a la institucionalidad del crédito y el financiamiento a empresas de menor tamaño: la experiencia chilena con sistemas de ‘banca de segundo piso’ 1990-98. CEPAL. Serie Financiamiento del Desarrollo Nº 74. .

Limitantes al financiamiento de las empresas de menor tamaño: Un estudio en terreno con los principales oferentes en Chile. Ministerio de Economía, Chile. Agosto 1999

Up grading the Reserve Management Function at the National Bank of Cambodia: Organization, infrastructure, training and policy issues. International Monetary Fund, Mission Technical Assistance Report (Sep. 2002)

Foreign Assets at the Central Bank of Yemen: proposals for managerial development and portfolio diversification. International Monetary Fund Technical Assistance Mission Report (May. 2002).

Vietnam: Banking System Restructuring and Foreign exchange issues. International Monetary Fund MAE Technical Assistance Mission Report, November 2001 (with Edward Frydl, Douglas Kruse, Eddie Herron, y Laura Weir)

Developing a Reserve Management Division at the Central bank of Yemen: Main issues International Monetary Fund MAE Technical Assistance Mission Report (March 2001)

Port Concessions in Chile: Contract design to promote competition and investment, in Public Policy for the Private Sector. World Bank, 2000 (co-author with J. Mardones).

Reinforcing the Priority Operations of the Palestine Monetary Authority. International Monetary Fund, 1998 (with Edward Frydl, Reza Vaez-Zadeh and Derek Ware from the Bank of England)

Foreign Exchange Operations, Accounting Systems and Supervision of Islamic Banks at the PMO. (with E. de la Piedra, Hermann Persé from the Deutsche Bundesbank and Thorwald Moe from the Bank of Norway)

Monetary Policy, Banking Supervision and Foreign Exchange Management in Iran International Monetary Fund, 1996 (with Reza Vaez-Zadeh, Oliver Frécault and Luca Errico)

Financial incentives for investment in Chile's privatization in “Latin America's New Opening to Foreign Investment Through Privatization” (Edited by P. Böecker) Co-published by the International Center for Economic Growth, San Francisco and the Institute of the Americas, La Jolla; 1992)

The Fixed Income Chilean Market (Special Report Prepared for Midland Bank Plc, Sep. 1989)

Modelos macroeconómicos aplicados en América Latina: Revisión de experiencias y problemas (with Joaquín Vial) in Políticas Macroeconómicas: Una perspectiva Latino Americana. Grupo Editor Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1988

Los determinantes económicos del ahorro nacional: Chile 1963-1985, in Cuadernos de Economía. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Abril 1986.

Políticas habitacionales en Chile: La experiencia financiera. Universidad de Chile Serie Documentos de Trabajo Nº 67 1984

"Expectativas Racionales: revisión de enfoques para un curso de Macroeconomía", con Mario Marcel, Apuntes Docentes Nº 48, Departamento de economía, Universidad de Chile, Junio 1984

Coyuntura macroeconómica (several issues of the biannual Taller de Coyuntura, Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Chile, 1979-1984)

Comportamiento financiero de las empresas en Chile, con Marcelo Figuerola. Estudios de Economía Universidad de Chile, 1979.

Estadísticas Monetarias en Chile (con Roberto Zahler, Universidad de Chile 1979)

Macroeconomía (undergraduate textbook, Editorial Universitaria 1979). Assistant to Carlos Massad

Media and public debate
Observatorio Económico, Universidad Alberto Hurtado: Several articles on this series are available at

Blog Facultad de Economía y Negocios Universidad Alberto Hurtado: Monthly columns since 2008 can be found in

Columnist in especialized magazines: Revista América Economía, El Diario Financiero, Revista Capital (2003-present).