International Consultant, member of the IMF´s Panel of Experts in International Reserves Management, formerly Executive Vice-Chairman at BancoEstado and member of its Audit Committee (2017-2018)
International Consultant, member of the IMF´s Panel of Experts in International Reserves Management, has worked with PIMCO, the World Bank, the IADB, the Ford Foundation, the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) and several corporate clients in Chile.With the IMF, Foxley has joined technical assistance missions to the central banks of Bolivia, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Iran, Israel (WBGS), Rwanda, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Vietnam and Yemen, helping them to develop capacities in managing financial risk, improving foreign exchange markets and operations.
Formerly Executive Vice-Chairman at BancoEstado and member of its Audit Committee (2017-2018), Head of Central Banks and Official Institutions at BBVA LatAm-Caribbean, Director of the Foreign Reserves and Capital Account Division at Banco Central de Chile.
Mr. Foxley has been Director of the Foreign Reserves and Capital Account Division at Banco Central de Chile, then Head of Central Banks and Official Institutions at BBVA Investment Banking for Latin America and the Caribbean.
Economist, expert in portfolio management, lecturer in Financial Economics, earned his Masters - (M.A., Econometrics and Finance)- from the University of Pennsylvania and Wharton School, Magister in Monetary and Fiscal Policy from Universidad de Chile. He has been Researcher and Adjunct Professor at Universidad de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and UAH-Georgetown University.
He was a member of the Inter American Development Bank/ALIDE Committee for Best Practices in Development Banking. His consultancy expertise in banking supervision, SME and Micro-Finance in Latin-America has been shared by Corporación Financiera Nacional del Ecuador, Nacional Financiera in Mexico, Bndes in Brasil, Banco Central and FONAVI in Honduras and Banco Nacional de Panama and Corfo in Chile.
His corporate experience includes appointments to company boards and executive positions at BBVA, Port Valparaiso, Derco-Sodimac, Compañía Chilena de Inversiones-IFC, Cotrisa (Chairman) and Corfo (CFO).